May 31, 2024

Blessed souls that have been “the cause of the illumination of the world of humanity”

Blessed souls whether Moses, Jesus, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Confucius, or Muhammad were the cause of the illumination of the world of humanity. How can we deny such irrefutable proof? How can we be blind to such light?... 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Extracts from the Baha’i Writings on Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster and related subjects)

May 30, 2024

November 1914: Agnes Alexander reaches Japan

Born into a Hawaiian Christian missionary family in 1875, Agnes became a Baha'i during a visit to Italy in 1900. She returned to Hawaii in December 1901 as the first Baha'i on the islands, and become instrumental in the growth of a Baha'i community there. After the deaths of her parents she moved to the American mainland, and then, at the request of 'Abdu'l-Baha, moved to Japan, reaching there in November 1914. She worked with George Augur and his wife to establish a Baha'i community, spending much of the rest of her life in Japan. Agnex Alexander was also the first Baha’i to present the Baha'i teachings in Korea (1921). Shoghi Effendi appointed her a Hand of the Cause on 27 March 1957. She died in Hawaii in 1971. 

(Adapted from ‘A Concise Encyclopedia of the Baha’i Faith’, by Peter Smith)

May 29, 2024

Margaret Stevenson - New Zealand’s first Bahá’í

Margaret was born on November 30th, 1865. Her first intimation of the Bahá’í Faith was through reading “The Christian Commonwealth” and she admitted later that “she did not think any more about it”. She received this journal from her sister who was in London studying music and had heard ‘Abdu’l-Bahá address the congregation of St. John’s, Westminster at the invitation of Canon Wilberforce. She was so impressed that when another discourse given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at City Temple, London was printed in “The Christian Commonwealth” dated March 27th, 1911, she sent a copy of the journal to Margaret in New Zealand.

In 1912, Miss Dorothea, Spinney, a friend of Margaret’s sister, arrived in Auckland from London and stayed with Margaret at her home. Miss Dorothea Spinney gave recitals of Greek plays. While staying with Margaret she talked about the Bahá’í Cause and her own meeting with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. This evidently touched a subconscious chord in Margaret.

To quote Margaret’s own words: “As a child, I used to wish I had lived when Christ was on earth. As Miss Spinney spoke, I remembered my childhood wish, and the thought came to me that I too might have denied Him as so many others had done. It was this secret thought that made me seriously think of what I heard from Miss Spinney, and through God’s grace and mercy I was enabled to grasp and believe in Bahá’u’lláh and His Message”.

May 28, 2024

The Administrative Order of the Faith is “an instrument for the carrying out of this great Charter”

It was the Guardian himself, the beloved "sign of God", who, through his exposition and interpretation of the Revelation, through his discipline and education of the Bahá'í community and through a series of national plans assigned to the various units of that community, forged the Administrative Order of the Faith and made it an instrument for the carrying out of this great Charter, [1] and he himself designed and launched the first global plan, the unique, brilliant and spiritually glorious Ten Year Crusade. The victories of that crusade implanted the banner of Bahá'u'lláh throughout the planet and the following Nine Year Plan reinforced and extended the bastions of the Faith and raised the number of National Spiritual Assemblies the - supporting pillars of the Universal House of Justice -- to one hundred and thirteen, a number increased to one hundred and fifteen by the formation at this Ridvan of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Hong Kong and South East Arabia.

- The Universal House of Justice  (Ridvan message, 131 B.E., 1974)

[1] ‘Tablets of the Divine Plan’ revealed by ‘Abdu’l-Baha

May 26, 2024

"We must be patient with others, infinitely patient!, but also with our poor selves…”

We must be patient with others, infinitely patient!, but also with our poor selves, remembering that even the Prophets of God sometimes got tired and cried out in despair! .. He urges you to persevere and add up your accomplishments, rather than to dwell on the dark side of things. Everyone's life has both a dark and bright side. The Master said: ‘turn your back to the darkness and your face to me.’ 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated September 22, 1929, written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer; ‘The Unfolding Destiny of the British Baha'i Community’)

May 25, 2024

‘Abdu’l-Baha Hosted a Unity Feast in West Englewood, New Jersey, USA

‘Abdu’l-Baha gave a Unity Feast in West Englewood, N. J., on Saturday, June 29, 1912, to the Baha’is of New York and vicinity. About three hundred were present. In addition to the seven Persians in his party there were guests from Philadelphia, Buffalo, Green Acre, Me., Washington, D. C., Pittsburgh, San Francisco and Portland, Ore.

There in the fragrant pine grove, on a bright June day, ‘Abdu’l-Baha himself the host, smiling joyously and radiating the spirit of good will, welcomed the happy friends. It was indeed a picture, and one of the utmost spiritual significance. Christians, Jews: Mohammedans and the white and black races were represented. ‘Abdu’l-Baha's very presence seemed to fill every soul with love. The bountiful meal was a Persian Feast, the delicious dishes being prepared by members of his Oriental party. He talked to them from the center of the large circle around which the tables were arranged. …After the dinner, Abdu’l-Baha passed around the great circular table and himself blessed each guest, placing rose perfume upon their foreheads.

In the evening a meeting was held on the lawn of the Wilhelm home, ‘Abdu’l-Baha speaking from; the veranda to some one hundred and fifty Englewood guests, who were seated in camp chairs. After this meeting questions were answered while he walked up and down the country road in front of the house. He remained with the Wilhelm family until Sunday morning, when he left to fill an engagement in another part of New Jersey. 

(Star of the West, vol. III, no. 8)

May 24, 2024

“to serve the Cause of God with our heart and soul”

Every day has certain needs. In those early days the Cause needed Martyrs, and people who would stand all sorts of torture and persecution in expressing their faith and spreading the message sent by God. Those days are, however, gone. The Cause at present does not need martyrs who would die for the faith, but servants who desire to teach and establish the Cause throughout the world. To live to teach in the present day is like being martyred in those early days. It is the spirit that moves us that counts, not the act through which that spirit expresses itself; and that spirit is to serve the Cause of God with our heart and soul. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 3 August 1932 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, quoted in "Bahá'í News", 68, Nov 1932; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, Living the Life)

May 22, 2024

“the spirit of this illumined era lieth in the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh”

For every era hath a spirit; the spirit of this illumined era lieth in the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh. For these lay the foundation of the oneness of the world of humanity and promulgate universal brotherhood. They are founded upon the unity of science and religion and upon investigation of truth. They uphold the principle that religion must be the cause of amity, union and harmony among men. They establish the equality of both sexes and propound economic principles which are for the happiness of individuals. They diffuse universal education, that every soul may as much as possible have a share of knowledge. They abrogate and nullify religious, racial, political, patriotic and economic prejudices and the like. Those teachings that are scattered throughout the Epistles and Tablets are the cause of the illumination and the life of the world of humanity. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha’; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. III, Cultural Diversity in the Age of Maturity)

May 21, 2024

“rest ye your hopes on the help and loving-kindness, the favours and bestowals of Bahá'u'lláh”

… look not on the degree of your capacity, ask not if you are worthy of the task: rest ye your hopes on the help and loving-kindness, the favours and bestowals of Bahá'u'lláh -- may my soul be offered up for His friends! Urge on the steed of high endeavour over the field of sacrifice, and carry away from this wide arena the prize of divine grace. 

- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  ('Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu'l-Baha')

May 20, 2024

“Recite ye the verses of God every morning and evening.”

Recite ye the verses of God every morning and evening. Whoso reciteth them not hath truly failed to fulfil his pledge to the Covenant of God and His Testament, and whoso in this day turneth away therefrom hath indeed turned away from God since time immemorial. Fear ye God, O concourse of My servants! 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Kitáb-i-Aqdas’; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, The Importance of Deepening our Knowledge of the Faith)

May 17, 2024

We need God’s assistance “to rend asunder the veils” that would shut us out from God and His Manifestation

Unto Thee be praise, O Lord my God! I entreat Thee, by Thy signs that have encompassed the entire creation, and by the light of Thy countenance that hath illuminated all that are in heaven and on earth, and by Thy mercy that hath surpassed all created things, and by Thy grace that hath suffused the whole universe, to rend asunder the veils that shut me out from Thee, that I may hasten unto the Fountain-Head of Thy mighty inspiration, and to the Day-Spring of Thy Revelation and bountiful favors, and may be immersed beneath the ocean of Thy nearness and pleasure. 

- Baha'u'llah  (‘Prayers and Meditations by Baha’u’llah’)

May 16, 2024

The application of compassion in the work of Spiritual Assemblies

The aim of any Spiritual Assembly should be to develop a warm and loving relationship with the believers in its community, so that it can most effectively nurture and encourage them in the acquisition of a deeper understanding of the teachings, and can assist them to follow the Bahá'í principles in their personal conduct. The Assembly should aspire to being regarded by the members of the community as a loving parent, wise in its understanding of the varying degrees of maturity of those entrusted to its care, compassionate in dealing with the problems which arise as a result of any shortcomings, ever prepared to guide them to the correct path, and very patient as they strive to effect the necessary changes in their behaviour. Such an approach is far removed from the harshly judgmental and punitive approach which so often characterizes the administration of law in the wider society. The Bahá'í application of justice, firmly rooted in spiritual principle and animated by the desire to foster the spiritual development of the members of the community, will increasingly be seen as a distinctive and highly attractive feature of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 9 December 1991 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly)

May 15, 2024

At the end of his retirement period the Guardian felt “spiritually and bodily … better equipped to shoulder the responsibilities of the Cause”

Now that happily I feel myself restored to a position where I can take up with continuity and vigour the threads of my manifold duties, the bitterness of every disappointment felt, time and again, in the course of the past weary months at my feeling of unpreparedness, have been merged in the sweetness of the present hour, when I realise that spiritually and bodily I am better equipped to shoulder the responsibilities of the Cause. The thought, so often comforting and sustaining, that in the counsels of my British co-workers of that land, I shall find spontaneous and undiminished support as well as wise and experienced assistance, is surely one of those forces which will hearten me in the midst of my future labours for the Cause. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 16 December 1922 to the Baha’is of Great Britain; ‘The Unfolding Destiny of the British Baha'i Community’)

May 14, 2024

Condition of soul before becoming associated with body

Question: In what condition is the soul before entering the body?

Answer: In a state of potentiality, possessing no consciousness as we understand it. 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk in Paris, France, October 18, 1911; 'Star of the West, vol. II, no. 6')

May 13, 2024

The “human soul comes into being at the time of conception…”

... the Bahá'í Writings affirm that the human soul comes into being at the time of conception. However, they do not clearly define the exact biological moment and nature of the event described as conception and this may, indeed, be a question that is insoluble by human thought or investigation, since it relates to mysteries of the spiritual world and the nature of the soul itself. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 6 February 1997 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilation ‘Reproduction and other Biological Subjects ‘, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice)

May 12, 2024

A Baha'i Teaching: Husband and wife should view the Word of God as the “tie” between them

As to thy question concerning the husband and wife, the tie between them and the children given to them by God: Know thou, verily, the husband is one who hath sincerely turned unto God, is awakened by the call of the Beauty of the All-Glorious and chanteth the verses of Oneness in the great assemblies; the wife is a being who wisheth to be overflowing with and seeketh after the attributes of God and His names; and the tie between them is none other than the Word of God. Verily, it causeth the multitudes to assemble together and the remote ones to be united. Thus the husband and wife are brought into affinity, are united and harmonized, even as though they were one person. Through their mutual union, companionship and love great results are produced in the world, both material and spiritual. The spiritual result is the appearance of divine bounties. The material result is the children who are born in the cradle of love of God, who are nurtured by the breast of the knowledge of God, and who are brought up in the bosom of the gift of God, and who are fostered in the lap of the training of God. Such children are those of whom it was said by Christ, "Verily, they are the children of the Kingdom!" 

- Abdu'l-Baha  ('Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha vol. 3')

May 11, 2024

“rest ye your hopes on the help and loving-kindness, the favours and bestowals of Bahá'u'lláh”

… look not on the degree of your capacity, ask not if you are worthy of the task: rest ye your hopes on the help and loving-kindness, the favours and bestowals of Bahá'u'lláh -- may my soul be offered up for His friends! Urge on the steed of high endeavour over the field of sacrifice, and carry away from this wide arena the prize of divine grace. 

- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  ('Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu'l-Baha')

May 10, 2024

“The subjects to be taught in children's school”

The subjects to be taught in children's school are many, and for lack of time We can touch on only a few: First and most important is training in behaviour and good character; the rectification of qualities; arousing the desire to become accomplished and acquire perfections, and to cleave unto the religion of God and stand firm in His Laws: to accord total obedience to every just government, to show forth loyalty and trustworthiness to the ruler of the time, to be well wishers of mankind, to be kind to all.

And further, as well as in the ideals of character, instruction in such arts and sciences as are of benefit, and in foreign tongues. Also, the repeating of prayers for the well-being of ruler and ruled; and the avoidance of materialistic works that are current among those who see only natural causation, and tales of love, and books that arouse the passions. To sum up, let all the lessons be entirely devoted to the acquisition of human perfections. Here, then, in brief are directions for the curriculum of these schools. Greetings be unto you, and praise. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet to an individual believer, published in ‘The Bahá'í World: 1972-1976, vol. 16’; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. II, Writers and Writing)

May 9, 2024

We need to become distinguished from “worldly-minded” people

The great thing is to 'live the life' - to have our lives so saturated with the Divine teachings and the Baha'i Spirit that people cannot fail to see a joy, a power, a love, a purity, a radiance, an efficiency in our character and work that will distinguish us from worldly-minded people and make people wonder what is the secret of this new life in us. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated February 14, 1925 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; compilation: ‘The Baha'i Life’)

May 7, 2024

“this community is spiritually illumined and divinely guided”

The moment this divine Message is carried forward by the American believers from the shores of America and is propagated through the continents of Europe, of Asia, of Africa and of Australasia, and as far as the islands of the Pacific, this community will find itself securely established upon the throne of an everlasting dominion. Then will all the peoples of the world witness that this community is spiritually illumined and divinely guided. Then will the whole earth resound with the praises of its majesty and greatness. 

- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  (‘Tablets of the Divine Plan’)

May 6, 2024

Robert Turner -- One of the 19 Disciples of 'Abdu'l-Baha and the first member of the black race in the Western Hemisphere to embrace the Faith

Born on October 15, 1855 or 1856, he was the first member of the negro race in the Western Hemisphere to embrace the Faith.[God Passes By, p. 259]. Since it is estimated that Robert was born in Virginia in about 1855-56, it is possible that he was born enslaved. [The American Baha’i, November 23, 2005] He was for some 35 years a butler in the household of Phoebe Hearst (eventually becoming her personal butler -- a position of considerable responsibility). Shortly before 1898, Phoebe Hearst received Lua Getsinger in her San Francisco home. Lua introduced the Faith to her while Robert was in attendance serving tea. Naturally, he overheard the conversation and, like Mrs. Hearst, was touched by what he heard. He was with Phoebe Hearst when, in 1898, she arranged for the first group of Baha’i pilgrims to visit 'Abdu'l-Baha in 'Akka. On 10 December 1898 Robert was warmly received by 'Abdu'l-Baha Who raised him to his feet and embraced him when, on first seeing the Master, he had dropped to his knees calling out, "My Lord! My Lord! I am not worthy to be here. On a later occasion 'Abdu'l-Baha said, "Robert, your Lord loves you.” [Balyuzi, ‘Abdu’l-Baha’, p. 72] Robert later encountered many difficulties, but remained staunch in his new faith; he died in 1909 not many years after his return from the Holy Land. 

(Adapted from ‘The A to Z of the Baha’i Faith, by Hugh Adamson)

May 5, 2024

Successive Stages in the Transfer of the Remains of the Báb from Persia to the Holy Land and the Erection of His Mausoleum on Mount Carmel

  • A crate containing the sarcophagus for the
    casket of the Báb in a house in Haifa some
    time before 1909. (Baha'i Media Bank)
    Execution of the Báb in Tabriz and the exposure of His mangled body on the edge of the moat outside the city, July 9, 1850.
  • Wrapping of His remains in a cloak, their secret removal to the silk factory owned by one of the believers of Milan and their deposition in a small wooden casket, July 11, 1850.
  • Transportation, in accordance with Baha'u’llah's instructions, of the casket to Tihran and its concealment in the shrine of Imam-Zadih Hasan.
  • Removal of the remains to the home of Haji Sulayman Khan and their subsequent transfer to the shrine of Imam-Zadih Ma’sum.
  • Instructions issued by Baha'u'llah, while in Adrianople, to Mulla-'Ali Akbari-Sahmirzadi and Jaml-i-Burujirdi, to transfer the casket to a safer hiding place, and its temporary concealment within a wall of the Masjid-i-Masha’u’llah outside the gates of the capital, 1867-1868.
  • Detection of the hiding place of the casket and its smuggling into Tihran and its deposition in the house of Mirza Hasan-i-Vazir, a believer and- son-in-law of Haji Mirza Siyyid 'Aliy-i-Tafrishi, the Majdu'l-Ashraf.
  • Discovery of the hiding place by a number of believers and the consequent removal of the casket by Haji Shah Muhammad-i-Manshadi, surnamed Aminu'l-Bayan, in accordance with Baha'u'llah's instructions, to the shrine of Imam-Zadih Zayd, and its burial beneath the floor of the inner sanctuary, whence it was again removed to a series of private homes in Tihran.

May 4, 2024

“physical power and material civilization… spiritual power and divine civilization”

For man two wings are necessary. One wing is physical power and material civilization; the other is spiritual power and divine civilization. With one wing only, flight is impossible. Two wings are essential. Therefore, no matter how much material civilization advances, it cannot attain to perfection except through the uplift of spiritual civilization. 

- 'Abdu'l-Bahá  (‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. III, Social and Economic Development)

May 3, 2024

What happens when we mention ‘Baha’u’llah’ in teaching the Faith

By the righteousness of God! Whoso openeth his lips in this Day and maketh mention of the name of his Lord, the hosts of Divine inspiration shall descend upon him from the heaven of My name, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. On him shall also descend the Concourse on high, each bearing aloft a chalice of pure light. Thus hath it been foreordained in the realm of God’s Revelation, by the behest of Him Who is the All-Glorious, the Most Powerful. 

- Bahá'u'lláh  (‘Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'láh’)

May 2, 2024

October 1973 - Permission given to Auxiliary Boards to appoint Assistance

…we have decided to take a further step in the development of the institution by giving to each Continental Board of Counsellors the discretion to authorize individual Auxiliary Board members to appoint assistants….

The exact nature of the duties and the duration of the appointment of the assistants is also left to each Continental Board to decide for itself. Their aims should be to activate and encourage Local Spiritual Assemblies, to call the attention of Local Spiritual Assembly members to the importance of holding regular meetings, to encourage local communities to meet for the Nineteen Day Feasts and Holy Days, to help deepen their fellow-believers' understanding of the Teachings, and generally to assist the Auxiliary Board members in the discharge of their duties. Appointments may be made for a limited period, such as a year or two, with the possibility of reappointment. Believers can serve at the same time both as assistants to Auxiliary Board members and on administrative institutions. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message dated 7 October 1973 to the Baha'is of the world; Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963 to 1986)