Jul 11, 2024

Body is like a horse which carries the spirit

... you should not neglect your health, but consider it the means which enables you to serve. It - the body - is like a horse which carries the personality and spirit, and as such should be well cared for so it can do its work! You should certainly safeguard your nerves, and force yourself to take time, and not only for prayer and meditation, but for real rest and relaxation. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated November 23, 1947 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; printed in Spiritual Foundations compilation)

You should always bear in mind Baha'u'llah’s counsel that we should take the utmost care of our health, surely not because it is an end in itself, but as a necessary means of serving His Cause. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated July 17, 1937 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; printed in "Selections from Baha'i Writings on Some Aspects of Health and Healing compilation prepared by the Universal House of Justice)