Oct 16, 2024

Bahá'u'lláh’s father experienced extreme difficulties towards the concluding years of his life

About the time of Bahá'u'lláh’s marriage, His father, Mirza Buzurg, fell upon hard times. A year earlier, the King of Persia, Fath-'Ali Shah had died and been succeeded by his grandson, Muhammad Shah. Muhammad Shah’s Prime Minister, Haji Mirza Aqasi, was a vain and vengeful man whose later outrages against the Bab caused Shoghi Effendi to denounce him as "the Antichrist of the Babi Revelation." When Haji Mirza Aqasi learned that Mirza Buzurg was horrified at the Haji's role in murdering his predecessor, he retaliated by stripping Mirza Buzurg of his governorships, cutting off his annual allowance, and engineering his divorce from Fath-‘Ali Shda's daughter, whom he had married a few years earlier. Thus, in addition to losing his income, Mirza Buzurg faced a costly divorce settlement. When his ex-wife sent thugs who beat him daily in an effort to extract the money, he was forced to sell his complex of homes in Tihran and many valuable furnishings hurriedly and at a very low price. A few years later he passed away. Despite Haji Mirza Aqasi's antagonism toward Mirza Buzurg, he held Bahá'u'lláh in high regard, extended to Him every consideration, and spoke to Him as if He were his own son.

- Geoffry Marks  (‘Call to Remembrance’)