Dec 31, 2023

December 31, 2023 - One’s inability to adequately praise and glorify God and His creation

Praise be to God, the All-Possessing, the King of incomparable glory, a praise which is immeasurably above the understanding of all created things, and is exalted beyond the grasp of the minds of men. None else besides Him hath ever been able to sing adequately His praise, nor will any man succeed at any time in describing the full measure of His glory. Who is it that can claim to have attained the heights of His exalted Essence, and what mind can measure the depths of His unfathomable mystery? From each and every revelation emanating from the Source of His glory, holy and never-ending evidences of unimaginable splendor have appeared, and out of every manifestation of His invincible power oceans of eternal light have outpoured. How immensely exalted are the wondrous testimonies of His almighty sovereignty, a glimmer of which, if it but touched them, would utterly consume all that are in the heavens and in the earth! How indescribably lofty are the tokens of His consummate power, a single sign of which, however inconsiderable, must transcend the comprehension of whatsoever hath, from the beginning that hath no beginning, been brought into being, or will be created in the future till the end that hath no end. All the Embodiments of His Names wander in the wilderness of search, athirst and eager to discover His Essence, and all the Manifestations of His Attributes implore Him, from the Sinai of Holiness, to unravel His mystery.

A drop of the billowing ocean of His endless mercy hath adorned all creation with the ornament of existence, and a breath wafted from His peerless Paradise hath invested all beings with the robe of His sanctity and glory. A sprinkling from the unfathomed deep of His sovereign and all-pervasive Will hath, out of utter nothingness, called into being a creation which is infinite in its range and deathless in its duration. The wonders of His bounty can never cease, and the stream of His merciful grace can never be arrested. The process of His creation hath had no beginning, and can have no end. 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah’)

Dec 28, 2023

A suggested quote to memorize: - Fundamental purpose of religion

O ye children of men! The fundamental purpose animating the Faith of God and His Religion is to safeguard the interests and promote the unity of the human race, and to foster the spirit of love and fellowship amongst men. 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘The Tabernacle of Unity, Bahá’u’lláh’s Responses to Mánikchí Sáhib and Other Writings’)

Dec 27, 2023

Birth of “the Administration of Bahá'u'lláh's invincible Faith”

Out of the pangs of anguish which His bereaved followers have suffered, amid the heat and dust which the attacks launched by a sleepless enemy had precipitated, the Administration of Bahá'u'lláh's invincible Faith was born. The potent energies released through the ascension of the Center of His Covenant crystallized into this supreme, this infallible Organ for the accomplishment of a Divine Purpose. The Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá unveiled its character, reaffirmed its basis, supplemented its principles, asserted its indispensability, and enumerated its chief institutions.... 

- Shoghi Effendi  (‘America and the Most Great Peace, 21 April 1933, "The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh: Selected Letters’; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, The Significance of the Formative Age of Our Faith)

Dec 25, 2023

God’s forgiveness for “those who truly believe in God and are well assured in the signs revealed by Him”

Verily in this Day all that dwell on earth are the servants of God. As to those who truly believe in God and are well assured in the signs revealed by Him, perchance He will graciously forgive them the things their hands have committed, and will grant them admission into the precincts of His mercy. He, in truth, is the Ever-Forgiving, the Compassionate. But the verdict of divine chastisement is pronounced against those who have turned away disdainfully from Me and have repudiated the conclusive proofs and the unerring Book with which God hath invested Me, and on the Day of Severing they shall find no protector or helper.

- The Báb  (From a Tablet addressed to Muhammad Shah of Persia, ‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb’)

Dec 24, 2023

October 1957 - Shoghi Effendi caught Asiatic influenza

On Sunday afternoon[while in London], October 27th, Shoghi Effendi told Ruhiyyih Khanum that he had a pain across his knuckles in both hands; she asked him if he had any other pains, and he said no, that just his fingers pained him and were stir. He added: "I feel so tired, so tired." She begged him to rest, saying that if he did not wish to go to bed, at least he should rest quietly because the probability was that he was getting the influenza which was sweeping through Europe and indeed all over the world. (She herself had been in bed with fever since Thursday night.) That night he had a fever and by the following day his temperature had risen to thirty-nine degrees. Ruhiyyih Khanum succeeded in finding an excellent doctor who had taken over the practice of a well-known Harley Street physician who had retired. This doctor was contacted and immediately prescribed medicine for the beloved Guardian and came to see him early in the evening when he was able to get away from his hospital. He examined his patient very carefully; heart, chest, temperature, pulse, etc., and said that he considered that both the Guardian and Ruhiyyih Khanum had cases of Asiatic influenza, the beloved Guardian's case being the more severe.

- Ruhiyyih Khanum  ('The Passing of Shoghi Effendi')

Dec 23, 2023

Obstacles to overcome

Now as never before should you strive mightily to free yourselves from the obstacles of apathy, attachment to worldly pursuits, and lethargy...

- The Universal House of Justice  (Ridvan 153, 1996 message to North America)

Dec 22, 2023

Rafieh Mansour -- patient handmaiden of God

In 1889, when Rafieh was three years old, her family had the joy of being invited by Baha'u'llah to move to the Holy Land where she lived until 1938. During the first three years of her stay in 'Akka, she was many times permitted into the presence of Baha'u'llah. Her uncle, Muhammad Hasan had served Baha'u'llah as a secretary when He was in Adrianople. Baha'u'llah had sent him back to Baghdad with a promise that he would be invited to rejoin Him in one Vahid (nineteen years) -- which happened in 1889! Her grandfather, 'Abdu'l-Rasoul was one of the famed martyrs of the Heroic Age of the Faith. Her mother, Zekrieh, was asked by 'Abdu'l-Baha to take on the responsibility for caring for the House of 'Abud. Her mother's parents were the first believers in Baghdad. They accepted the Faith in the days of Tahirih and it was her grandfather who helped to escort Tahirih from Baghdad back to Iran. 

(Adapted from Baha'i News, April 1974)

Dec 21, 2023

A story for children: The Fire Temple

The way to Ashok's school led past a Fire Temple of the Zoroastrians and Ashok was first attracted by the fragrance of sandalwood from it. He wondered what was in this temple and why sandalwood was burned there. When he was early for school Ashok would stand at the entrance and watch Zoroastrians going in and out, wearing special caps. His school friend Jamshed, had told him that a big fire was always kept burning before which they stood and prayed. Ashok had become interested and very curious. Once he had asked Jamshed to take him inside the Fire Temple but Ashok was told that only Zoroastrians could go in. This made Ashok more eager than ever. And this was why he had decided to know everything about Zoroaster and His teaching through the Time Capsule.

Ashok had found that Zoroaster lived 3000 years ago in the land of Persia, now called Iran. So he knew now what keys to tap on the Time Capsule's keyboard. As the room darkened strange voices filled the room. As the screen lit up Ashok found himself in ancient Persia amid a fair people with dark hair who wore long robes. Even the soldiers of King Vishtaspa who ruled over them, wore long tunics and carried spears and shields.

Farmers brought their products for sale in the market loaded on donkeys. They appeared to be a friendly people, kind and simple. They were all talking about the sudden and strange illness of "Asb-i-siyah" the favourite black stallion, of King Vishtaspa. Many wise men and doctors had examined the horse and tried different treatment but none would cure it. The King had offered a high reward for anyone who could make his horse well again.

Dec 20, 2023

“Ministers of the House of Justice”

O people of God! That which traineth the world is Justice, for it is upheld by two pillars, reward and punishment. These two pillars are the sources of life to the world. Inasmuch as for each day there is a new problem and for every problem an expedient solution, such affairs should be referred to the Ministers of the House of Justice that they may act according to the needs and requirements of the time. They that, for the sake of God, arise to serve His Cause, are the recipients of divine inspiration from the unseen Kingdom. It is incumbent upon all to be obedient unto them. All matters of State should be referred to the House of Justice, but acts of worship must be observed according to that which God hath revealed in His Book.

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh Revealed after the Kitáb-i-Aqdas’; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. I, The Establishment of the Universal House of Justice)

Dec 19, 2023

First Canadian National Spiritual Assembly -- Elected in 1948

Front row, left to right: Rosemary Sala, Siegfried Schopflocher, Laura Davis, Ross Woodman, John Robarts. Back row, left to right: Emeric Sala, Rowland Estall, Doris Richardson, Lloyd Gardner

Dec 17, 2023

Christ established unity of communities and nations, Baha’u’llah will establish unity of East and West

Christ appeared in this world nineteen hundred years ago to establish ties of unity and bonds of love between the various nations and different communities. He cemented together the sciences of Rome and the splendors of the civilization of Greece. He also accomplished affiliation between the Assyrian kingdom and the power of Egypt. The blending of these nations in unity, love and agreement had been impossible, but Christ through divine power established this condition among the children of men.

A much greater difficulty confronts us today when we endeavor to establish unity between the Orient and the Occident. Bahá'u'lláh through the power of heaven has brought the East and the West together. Erelong we shall know that they have been cemented by the power of God. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)

Dec 16, 2023

One of the places Baha'u'llah stayed during His period of retirement

Takyiy-i-Mawlana Khalid in Sulaymaniyyih, Iraq, where Baha'u'llah stayed during His period of retirement. (The Baha'i World 1932-1934)

Dec 15, 2023

Huqúqu'lláh - “…ranking in importance immediately after the two great obligations of recognition of God and steadfastness in His Cause...”

In one of His Tablets Bahá'u'lláh refers to the law of Huququ'lláh as ranking in importance immediately after the two great obligations of recognition of God and steadfastness in His Cause, and yet the introduction and implementation of this law are characterized by kindness, forgiveness, tolerance and magnanimity. Although it deals with the material things of this world, it is placed among those spiritual obligations resting on the individual soul, such as prayer and fasting, the fulfilment of which is a direct responsibility of each believer towards God, not subject to the sanctions or impositions of His institutions in this world. It is, indeed, a clear expression of the priorities with which Bahá'u'lláh views the duties of mankind. First comes the spiritual, and then the material -- however important in practice the latter may be. 

(From a document titled "The Development of the Institution for the Huququ'lláh", prepared by the Research Department at the Bahá'í World Centre and sent to all National Spiritual Assemblies on 25 March 1987. A revised version was subsequently prepared and sent to all NSAs on 31 July 2002)

Dec 14, 2023

The “Kingdom is the real world, and this nether place is only its shadow stretching out.”

Know thou that the Kingdom is the real world, and this nether place is only its shadow stretching out. A shadow hath no life of its own; its existence is only a fantasy, and nothing more; it is but images reflected in water, and seeming as pictures to the eye. 

- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  (‘Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha’)

Dec 13, 2023

The only real Baha’i in the world

From the earliest days of his ministry Shoghi Effendi set about creating order in what was then a very small Bahá'í world, barely existing in some of the thirty-five countries which had received at least a ray of illumination from the Light of Bahá'u'lláh. The great, guiding lines were clear in his mind and as he grew older, and the community of believers grew and increased in experience, these lines became clearer and details were added. 'Abdu'l-Bahá Himself in His Will and Testament had foreshadowed this unfoldment when He said of the Guardian, "that day by day he may wax greater in happiness, in joy and spirituality, and may grow to become even as a fruitful tree." Time and space do not permit of a chronological recapitulation of this evolution. We must try to catch the great vision he gave us and see how the details were gradually filled in. So often, as I listened to and observed Shoghi Effendi, I felt he was the only real Bahá'í in the world. Everyone else, claiming to be a Bahá'í, had a portion of the Faith, an angle on it, a concept, however large, tinctured by his own limitations, but the Guardian saw it as a whole, in all its greatness and perfect balance. He had not only the capacity to see but to analyse and express with brilliant clarity what he saw. 

- Ruhiyyih Khanum  (‘The Priceless Pearl’)

Dec 12, 2023

The story of a modern search for the Holy Grail – The Beloved Báb

This is the story of a modern search for the Holy Grail, the cup of everlasting life. It began in the land from which the three Kings came to Bethlehem guided by a bright star. It was now the nineteenth century, and there was another sign in the heavens, a great fiery comet. Many were awed, many were frightened, many were cheered, for both the East and the West were caught up in a millennial zeal. In Persia, home of the "three wise men," the excitement over the coming of a Messiah was greater than in any other land. In America and Europe, scholars wrote and spoke of the expected appearance of the promised Christ, but in Persia many people were actively searching for Him. They believed the Promised One to be already in their midst. Among these devout searchers was Shaykh Ahmad, a kindly, gentle man. At the age of forty, he left his home and kindred in one of the islands to the south of the Persian Gulf, and set out to unravel the mystery of the coming Messenger. An inner voice kept urging him on. Eagerly, he devoured everything written on the subject. He questioned the great religious and scientific authorities until he felt that at last he knew the truth.

Dec 11, 2023

To “grow in faith and constancy as day followeth day, and should draw ever nearer to the Lord, your God”

O ye peoples of the Kingdom! How many a soul expended all its span of life in worship, endured the mortification of the flesh, longed to gain an entry into the Kingdom, and yet failed, while ye, with neither toil nor pain nor self-denial, have won the prize and entered in.

It is even as in the time of the Messiah, when the Pharisees and the pious were left without a portion, while Peter, John and Andrew, given neither to pious worship nor ascetic practice, won the day. Wherefore, thank ye God for setting upon your heads the crown of glory everlasting, for granting unto you this immeasurable grace.

The time hath come when, as a thank-offering for this bestowal, ye should grow in faith and constancy as day followeth day, and should draw ever nearer to the Lord, your God, becoming magnetized to such a degree, and so aflame, that your holy melodies in praise of the Beloved will reach upward to the Company on high; and that each one of you, even as a nightingale in this rose garden of God, will glorify the Lord of Hosts, and become the teacher of all who dwell on earth. 

- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  ('Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu'l-Baha')

Dec 9, 2023

One needs God’s assistance to “purify” himself/herself “from the love of aught except” God

I ask of Thee [God] by Thy Self…and by Thy most excellent names and august attributes, to purify Thy servants from the love of aught except Thee and to draw them nigh unto the Dawning-Place of the lights of Thy countenance and the Seat of the throne of Thy oneness. 

- Baha’u’llah  (compilation: ‘The Importance of Obligatory Prayer and Fasting’, compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice; published in The American Baha'i, September 2000)

Dec 8, 2023

Attempts to avoid Baha’i laws

If a believer who did not like a particular law were to be permitted to leave the community to break the law, and then rejoin with impunity, this would make a mockery of the Law of God. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated May 15, 1967, to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilation: ‘Developing Distinctive Baha'i Communities’, prepared by US NSA, 1998 edition)

Dec 7, 2023

Bahá'u'lláh’s remarkable knowledge and sagacity during His youthful years was acknowledged in all gatherings of theological doctors and scholars

…There was in Tihrán… a Youth of the family of one of the ministers and of noble lineage, gifted in every way, and adorned with purity and nobility. Although He combined lofty lineage with high connection, and although His ancestors were men of note in Persia and universally sought after, yet He was not of a race of doctors or a family of scholars. Now this Youth was from His earliest adolescence celebrated amongst those of the ministerial class, both relatives and strangers, for single-mindedness, and was from childhood pointed out as remarkable for sagacity, and held in regard in the eyes of the wise. He did not, however, after the fashion of His ancestors, desire elevation to lofty ranks nor seek advancement to splendid but transient positions. His extreme aptitude was nevertheless admitted by all, and His excessive acuteness and intelligence were universally avowed. In the eyes of the common folk He enjoyed a wonderful esteem, and in all gatherings and assemblies He had a marvelous speech and delivery. Notwithstanding lack of instruction and education such was the keenness of His penetration and the readiness of His apprehension that when during His youthful prime He appeared in assemblies where questions of divinity and points of metaphysic were being discussed, and, in presence of a great concourse of doctors and scholars loosed his tongue, all those present were amazed, accounting this as a sort of prodigy beyond the discernment natural to the human race. From His early years He was the hope of His kindred and the unique one of His family and race, nay, their refuge and shelter. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘A Traveler’s Narrative’)

Dec 6, 2023

A Baha’i Teaching: "no one should exalt himself over the other"

O Children of Men! Know ye not why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other. Ponder at all times in your hearts how ye were created. Since We have created you all from one same substance it is incumbent on you to be even as one soul, to walk with the same feet, eat with the same mouth and dwell in the same land, that from your inmost being, by your deeds and actions, the signs of oneness and the essence of detachment may be made manifest. Such is My counsel to you, O concourse of light! Heed ye this counsel that ye may obtain the fruit of holiness from the tree of wondrous glory. 

- Bahá’u’lláh  (‘The Hidden Words’)

Dec 5, 2023

A Tablet of Baha'u'llah addressed to 'Abdu'l-Baha

Translation of part of this Tablet appears in 'The Dispensation of Baha'u'llah', page 43, paragraph beginning with "O Thou Who art the apple of Mine eye!"

Dec 4, 2023

Book: The Story of Baha’u’llah , Promised One of All Religions - by Druzelle Cederquist

This remarkable book contains many touching stories mainly about the life of Baha’u’llah, and some of the Bab’s, both during and after the Advent of the Bab. Each story has a heading which helps the reader to focus on pertinent factors involved. The book also contains some explanations of certain historical events that took place outside of Persia during particular periods associated with the Ministries of the Bab and Bah’u’llah.

Below are the headings of the 69 stories that are described in the book, and the titles of the 5 very useful appendices.

Part 1: The Dawn

1 Shaykh Mahmud’s Secret Plan

2 The Puppet Show and the Dream

3 The Home of Love

4 Father of the Poor and Mother of Consolation

5 No Time to Lose

6 The Quest

7 Witnesses of the Dawn

8 Noble Descendant of a Noble Father

9 The Mujtahid and the Dervish

10 Awake, Awake!

11 The Scholar and the Governors

12 The Open Mountain and the Grievous Mountain

13 Rage and a Secret Rescue

14 The Blast of the Trumpet

15 The Sermon of Wrath and a Royal Command

16 Bandar-Gaz and the Black Standard

17 Danger at Amul

18 Courage at Tabarsi

19 Embattled

20 No Peace in the City of Tabriz

21 A Promise Kept in Karbala

22 A Plot against the Shah

23 Prisoner

24 The Black Pit

25 cruel Days

26 The Mystery of God and His Treasure

28 Terrible Journey

Part 2: The Sun in Its Splendor

Dec 3, 2023

The “Heroic, the Primitive, the Apostolic Age of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, and… the initial stages of the Formative, the Transitional, the Iron Age”

In its broadest outline the first century of the Bahá’í Era may be said to comprise the Heroic, the Primitive, the Apostolic Age of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, and also the initial stages of the Formative, the Transitional, the Iron Age which is to witness the crystallization and shaping of the creative energies released by His Revelation. The first eighty years of this century may roughly be said to have covered the entire period of the first age, while the last two decades may be regarded as having witnessed the beginnings of the second. The former commences with the Declaration of the Báb, includes the mission of Bahá’u’lláh, and terminates with the passing of ‘Abdu’lBahá. The latter is ushered in by His Will and Testament, which defines its character and establishes its foundation.

- Shoghi Effendi  (Preface to ‘God Passes By’)

Dec 2, 2023

The Báb describes His life until first year of captivity in Chihríq

Thou art aware, O My God, that since the day Thou didst call Me into being out of the water of Thy love till I reached fifteen years of age I lived in the land which witnessed My birth [Shíráz]. Then Thou didst enable Me to go to the seaport [Búshihr] where for five years I was engaged in trading with the goodly gifts of Thy realm and was occupied in that with which Thou hast favoured Me through the wondrous essence of Thy loving-kindness. I proceeded therefrom to the Holy Land [Karbilá] where I sojourned for one year. Then I returned to the place of My birth. There I experienced the revelation of Thy sublime bestowals and the evidences of Thy boundless grace. I yield Thee praise for all Thy goodly gifts and I render Thee thanksgiving for all Thy bounties. Then at the age of twenty-five I proceeded to thy sacred House [Mecca], and by the time I returned to the place where I was born, a year had elapsed. There I tarried patiently in the path of Thy love and beheld the evidences of Thy manifold bounties and of Thy loving-kindness until Thou didst ordain for Me to set out in Thy direction and to migrate to Thy presence. Thus I departed therefrom by Thy leave, spending six months in the land of Sád [Iṣfáhán] and seven months in the First Mountain [Mákú], where Thou didst rain down upon Me that which beseemeth the glory of Thy heavenly blessings and befitteth the sublimity of Thy gracious gifts and favours. Now, in My thirtieth year, Thou beholdest Me, O My God, in this Grievous Mountain [Chihríq] where I have dwelt for one whole year.

Praise be unto Thee, O My Lord, for all times, heretofore and hereafter; and thanks be unto Thee, O My God, under all conditions, whether of the past or the future. The gifts Thou hast bestowed upon Me have reached their fullest measure and the blessings Thou hast vouchsafed unto Me have attained their consummation. Naught do I now witness but the manifold evidences of Thy grace and loving-kindness, Thy bounty and gracious favours, Thy generosity and loftiness, Thy sovereignty and might, Thy splendour and Thy glory, and that which befitteth the holy court of Thy transcendent dominion and majesty and beseemeth the glorious precincts of Thine eternity and exaltation. 

- The Báb  (‘Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Dec 1, 2023

Prayer for individual - Praise & Gratitude: one’s utter powerlessness to befittingly praise God

Verily I am Thy servant, O my God, and Thy poor one and Thy suppliant and Thy wretched creature. I have arrived at Thy gate, seeking Thy shelter. I have found no contentment save in Thy love, no exultation except in Thy remembrance, no eagerness but in obedience to Thee, no joy save in Thy nearness, and no tranquillity except in reunion with Thee, notwithstanding that I am conscious that all created things are debarred from Thy sublime Essence and the entire creation is denied access to Thine inmost Being. Whenever I attempt to approach Thee, I perceive nothing in myself but the tokens of Thy grace and behold naught in my being but the revelations of Thy loving-kindness. How can one who is but Thy creature seek reunion with Thee and attain unto Thy presence, whereas no created thing can ever be associated with Thee, nor can aught comprehend Thee? How is it possible for a lowly servant to recognize Thee and to extol Thy praise, notwithstanding that Thou hast destined for him the revelations of Thy dominion and the wondrous testimonies of Thy sovereignty? Thus every created thing beareth witness that it is debarred from the sanctuary of Thy presence by reason of the limitations imposed upon its inner reality. It is undisputed, however, that the influence of Thine attraction hath everlastingly been inherent in the realities of Thy handiwork, although that which beseemeth the hallowed court of Thy providence is exalted beyond the attainment of the entire creation. This indicateth, O my God, my utter powerlessness to praise Thee and revealeth my utmost impotence in yielding thanks unto Thee; and how much more to attain the recognition of Thy divine unity or to succeed in reaching the clear tokens of Thy praise, Thy sanctity and Thy glory. Nay, by Thy might, I yearn for naught but Thine Own Self and seek no one other than Thee. 

- The Báb  (Selections from the Writings of the Báb)

Nov 30, 2023

If this Cause had appeared in Europe or America…

In the afternoon we were all invited to the Master's house for tea. We waited a few moments downstairs, and as soon as we heard his footsteps everybody arose. He sat on a chair in front of the window and spoke feelingly.

He ['Abdu'l-Baha] stated that the majority of the inhabitants of Persia are yet asleep, although God has demonstrated His Cause to them in so many ways. . . If this Cause had appeared in Europe or America, those regions would by this time have become illumined and countless souls awakened. So many were martyred in Persia, so much blood has been spilt! If one of these events had transpired in another country, the effect would have been marvelous! Nevertheless there were many people in Persia who became illumined and celestial, and cried out in order to awaken their fellow men!. . . An infinite number of these believers of God have been examples of severance, incarnations of devotion, and flaming candles; they have embodied in the world of humanity the Teachings of God, and have become demonstrations, showing how man could be pure, sanctified, attracted, enkindled and honest! The evidences of God they wrote with their own blood upon the earth.

(‘'Abdul Baha in Egypt: The Diary of Ahmad’ July 1, 1913)

Nov 29, 2023

'Abdu'l-Baha's initial impression of New York upon His arrival in 1912

I am greatly pleased with the city of New York. Its harbor entrance, its piers, buildings and broad avenues are magnificent and beautiful. Truly, it is a wonderful city. As New York has made such progress in material civilization, I hope that it may also advance spiritually in the Kingdom and Covenant of God so that the friends here may become the cause of the illumination of America, that this city may become the city of love and that the fragrances of God may be spread from this place to all parts of the world. 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk; ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)

Nov 28, 2023

A suggested quote to memorize: Humanity’s true peace & tranquility

True peace and tranquillity will only be realized when every soul will have become the well-wisher of all mankind.

- Baha’u’llah  (‘The Tabernacle of Unity, Bahá’u’lláh’s Responses to Mánikchí Sáib and Other Writings’)

Nov 26, 2023

“to teach some high-ranking and influential persons”

I hope that thou wilt ... endeavour to teach some high-ranking and influential persons, for the hearts of the people have become attracted to the Cause of God and their minds bewildered and enthralled by its awesome grandeur. Those who occupy high positions, too, have become profoundly receptive to its message. The loved ones of God should therefore make a determined effort and guide these distinguished souls to the Cause. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, Prominent People)

Nov 25, 2023

October 1933 - Passing of Keith Ransom-Kehler in Iran

Keith Ransom-Kehler died on 23rd October 1933. (Baha’i News, November 1933) Born in 1876, Keith became a Baha’i in 1921, and after the death of her second husband in 1923 became increasingly active as a Baha’i speaker and teacher. In 1929 she travelled to the Caribbean, and in 1930 began an extensive world tour to promote the Faith. Shoghi invited her to Haifa in 1932, and gave her a special mission to go to Iran on behalf of the American National Spiritual Assembly to petition the shah to ease or lift the restrictions on the Baha'is. She stayed in Iran for over a year, but her efforts were unavailing. Exhausted and in poor health she eventually succumbed to smallpox, and was buried in Isfahan, Iran, near to the graves of the King and Beloved martyrs. Shoghi Effendi named her posthumously as a Hand of the Cause, and as the first American to have the spiritual station of a martyr. 

(Adapted from A Concise Encyclopedia of the Baha’i Faith)

Nov 24, 2023

The “essence of love”

The essence of love is for man to turn his heart to the Beloved One, and sever himself from all else but Him, and desire naught save that which is the desire of his Lord. 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Tablets of Baha’u’llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas’)

Nov 22, 2023

How a Baha’i “will undoubtedly be deprived of the blessings of the Abhá Kingdom”

The teaching work should under all conditions be actively pursued by the believers because divine confirmations are dependent upon it. Should a Bahá'í refrain from being fully, vigorously and wholeheartedly involved in the teaching work he will undoubtedly be deprived of the blessings of the Abhá Kingdom. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá  ('Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá)

Nov 20, 2023

The “form” of the soul that is suitable for its immortality

When the soul attaineth the Presence of God, it will assume the form that best befitteth its immortality and is worthy of its celestial habitation. Such an existence is a contingent and not an absolute existence, inasmuch as the former is preceded by a cause, whilst the latter is independent thereof. Absolute existence is strictly confined to God, exalted be His glory. 

- Baha'u'llah  ('Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah')

Nov 19, 2023

Religions are like branches of one Tree

The Reality of all is One. Truth is one. Religions are like the branches of one Tree. One branch is high, one is low and one in the centre, yet all draw their life from the one stem. One branch bears fruit and others are not laden so abundantly. All the Prophets are lights, they only differ in degree; they shine like brilliant heavenly bodies, each have their appointed place and time of ascension. Some are like lamps, some like the moon, some like distant stars, and a few are like the sun, shining from one end of the earth to the other. All have the same Light to give, yet they are different in degree. 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (‘London Talks’)

Nov 18, 2023

A Baha'i Teaching: To view marriage as a “fortress for well-being and salvation”

And when He [God] desired to manifest grace and beneficence to men, and to set the world in order, He revealed observances and created laws; among them He established the law of marriage, made it as a fortress for well-being and salvation, and enjoined it upon us in that which was sent down out of the heaven of sanctity in His Most Holy Book. He saith, great is His glory: "Marry, O people, that from you may appear he who will remember Me amongst My servants; this is one of My commandments unto you; obey it as an assistance to yourselves." 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Baha'i Prayers’, A Selection of Prayers Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu’lBahá, compiled by the United States Bahá’í Publishing Trust; online Bahai Reference Library of the Bahai World Centre)

Nov 17, 2023

Prayer for believers: - Assistance to receive God’s mercy and grace

O God, my God! These are Thy feeble servants; they are Thy loyal bondsmen and Thy handmaidens, who have bowed themselves down before Thine exalted Utterance and humbled themselves at Thy Threshold of light, and borne witness to Thy oneness through which the Sun hath been made to shine in midday splendour. They have listened to the summons Thou didst raise from out Thy hidden Realm, and with hearts quivering with love and rapture, they have responded to Thy call.

O Lord, shower upon them all the outpourings of Thy mercy, rain down upon them all the waters of Thy grace. Make them to grow as beauteous plants in the garden of heaven, and from the full and brimming clouds of Thy bestowals and out of the deep pools of Thine abounding grace make Thou this garden to flower and keep it ever green and lustrous, ever fresh and shimmering and fair.

Thou art verily the Mighty, the Exalted, the Powerful, He Who alone, in the heavens and on the earth, abideth unchanged. There is none other God save Thee, the Lord of manifest tokens and signs.

- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  (‘Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha’)

Nov 16, 2023

“people of Bahá”: to become distinguished for their “purity and sanctity”

Make ye then a mighty effort, that the purity and sanctity which, above all else, are cherished by ‘Abdu'l-Bahá, shall distinguish the people of Bahá; that in every kind of excellence the people of God shall surpass all other human beings; that both outwardly and inwardly they shall prove superior to the rest; that for purity, immaculacy, refinement, and the preservation of health, they shall be leaders in the vanguard of those who know. And that by their freedom from enslavement, their knowledge, their self-control, they shall be first among the pure, the free and the wise. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  ('Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá'; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Excellence in All Things)

Nov 14, 2023

Universal House of Justice "cannot legislate to make possible the appointment of a successor to Shoghi Effendi", nor "the appointment of any more Hands of the Cause"

As the Universal House of Justice has already announced, it cannot legislate to make possible the appointment of a successor to Shoghi Effendi, nor can it legislate to make possible the appointment of any more Hands of the Cause, but it must do everything within its power to ensure the performance of all those functions which it shares with these two mighty Institutions. It must make provision for the proper discharge in future of the functions of protection and propagation, which the administrative bodies share with the Guardianship and the Hands of the Cause; it must, in the absence of the Guardian, receive and disburse the Huqúqu’lláh, in accordance with the following statement of ‘Abdu’l Bahá: “Disposition of the Huqúq, wholly or partly, is permissible, but this should be done by permission of the authority in the Cause to whom all must turn”; it must make provision in its Constitution for the removal of any of its members who commits a sin “injurious to the common weal.” Above all, it must, with perfect faith in Bahá’u’lláh, proclaim His Cause and enforce His Law so that the Most Great Peace shall be firmly established in this world and the foundation of the Kingdom of God on earth shall be accomplished. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message dated 27 May 1966 to an individual believer; Online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)

Nov 13, 2023

1909: Tent erected on the site of the future Baha'i Temple near Chicago in which was celebrated the Feast of Ridvan

The celebration was held in response to the wish of 'Abdu'l-Baha. Thornton Chase (shown under the + sign) conducted the service.

Nov 12, 2023

Diversity in nature

Consider the world of created beings, how varied and diverse they are in species, yet with one sole origin. All the differences that appear are those of outward form and colour. This diversity of type is apparent throughout the whole of nature.

Behold a beautiful garden full of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Each flower has a different charm, a peculiar beauty, its own delicious perfume and beautiful colour. The trees too, how varied are they in size, in growth, in foliage -- and what different fruits they bear! Yet all these flowers, shrubs and trees spring from the self-same earth, the same sun shines upon them and the same clouds give them rain.

So it is with humanity. It is made up of many races, and its peoples are of different colour, white, black, yellow, brown and red -- but they all come from the same God, and all are servants to Him. 

- Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk on October 28, 1911; ‘Paris Talks: Addresses given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Paris in 1911-1912’)

Nov 11, 2023

1893: First public reference to the Faith in North America

It took place on September 23rd, 1893 in a paper entitled “The Religious Mission of the English Speaking Nations”, by Rev. Henry H. Jessup, a retired missionary from north Syria. It was read by Rev. George A. Ford at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago. (A Basic Baha’i Dictionary Chronology, by Glenn Cameron with Wendi Momen)

Below is a portion of what was read on this occasion:

This, then, is our mission: that we who are made in the image of God should remember that all men are made in God's image. To this divine knowledge we owe all we are, all we hope for. We are rising gradually toward that image, and we owe to our fellowmen to aid them in returning to it in the Glory of God and the Beauty of Holiness. It is a celestial privilege and with it comes a high responsibility, from which there is no escape.

In the Palace of Bahji, or Delight, just outside the Fortress of 'Akka, on the Syrian coast, there died a few months since, a famous Persian sage, the Babi Saint, named Baha’u’llah -- the "Glory of God" -- the head of that vast reform party of Persian Muslims, who accept the New Testament as the Word of God and Christ as the Deliverer of men, who regard all nations as one, and all men as brothers. Three years ago he was visited by a Cambridge scholar and gave utterance to sentiments so noble, so Christ-like, that we repeat them as our closing:

"That all nations should become one in faith and all men as brothers; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of men should be strengthened ; that diversity of religions should cease and differences of race be annulled. What harm is there in this? Yet so it shall be. These fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the 'Most Great Peace' shall come. Do not you in Europe need this also? Let not a man glory in this, that he loves his country; let him rather glory in this, that he loves his kind." (The Baha’i World, 1926-1928)

Nov 10, 2023

The Heavenly Jerusalem

It is said in the Gospels, "Jerusalem will come down out of heaven from God." This heavenly Jerusalem is not made of stone, of lime and of clay, but it is made of the divine teachings which shine among men by the power of the spirit. For a long time, the divine teachings had been forgotten, no trace remained of the light of the heavenly Jerusalem. When Baha’u’llah manifested Himself from the Orient the light of His divine teachings shone forth in Persia unto other parts of the world. This divine teaching is the heavenly Jerusalem which has again "come down out of heaven." Although that edifice had fallen to pieces, it is founded anew. The corporal and material forces ruled over the Orient; now the spiritual forces have taken their place. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk given in Paris on November 9th, 1911; Star of the West, vol. II, no. 17, January 1912)

Nov 9, 2023

Relics of Baha'u'llah

In the center is a taj with white turban in position, on upper shelf a dervish's taj and Kashkul (mendicant's bowl) used by Baha'u'llah. Pen cases, slippers and other things used by Him are also shown.

Nov 8, 2023

When “the souls that are not good die, they go entirely away from this earth and so cannot influence anyone.”

Question: Are there "earthbound" souls who try to have, and do have, an influence over people, sometimes taking entire possession of their wills?

'Abdu'l-Baha answered, "There are no earthbound souls. When the souls that are not good die, they go entirely away from this earth and so cannot influence anyone. They are spiritually dead. Their thoughts can have influence only while they are alive on the earth. Caiaphas had great influence during his life, but as soon as he died, his influence ceased. It was of this kind that Christ said, 'Let the dead bury their dead.' But the good souls are given eternal life, and sometimes God permits their thoughts to reach the earth to help the people." 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (From a table talk, ‘Daily Lessons Received at Akka January 1908', by Helen Goodall and Ella Goodall Cooper)

Nov 7, 2023

“Beseech ye God that He may enable everyone to discharge the obligation of Huquq…”

O Zayn! Upon thee be My glory and My loving-kindness. Nothing that existeth in the world of being hath ever been or ever will be worthy of mention. However, if a person be graciously favoured to offer a penny-worth -- nay even less -- in the path of God, this would in His sight be preferable and superior to all the treasures of the earth. It is for this reason that the one true God -- exalted be His glory -- hath in all His heavenly Scriptures praised those who observe His precepts and bestow their wealth for His sake. Beseech ye God that He may enable everyone to discharge the obligation of Huquq, inasmuch as the progress and promotion of the cause of God depend on material means. If His faithful servants could realize how meritorious are benevolent deeds in these days, they would all arise to do that which is meet and seemly. In His hand is the source of authority and He ordaineth as He willeth. He is the Supreme Ruler, the Bountiful, the Equitable the Revealer, the All-Wise.

- Baha’u’llah  (The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. I, Huqúqu'lláh)

Nov 6, 2023

The Universal House of Justice: “the last refuge of a tottering civilization,”; “the Highest Legislative Body of the Faith”; “the ‘apex’ of the Bahá’í Administrative Order”; the “supreme organ of the Bahá’í Commonwealth.”

The Universal House of Justice, which the Guardian said would be regarded by posterity as “the last refuge of a tottering civilization,” is now, in the absence of the Guardian, the sole infallibly guided institution in the world to which all must turn, and on it rests the responsibility for ensuring the unity and progress of the Cause of God in accordance with the revealed Word. There are statements from the Master and the Guardian indicating that the Universal House of Justice, in addition to being the Highest Legislative Body of the Faith, is also the body to which all must turn, and is the “apex” of the Bahá’í Administrative Order, as well as the “supreme organ of the Bahá’í Commonwealth.” The Guardian has in his writings specified for the House of Justice such fundamental functions as the formulation of future worldwide teaching plans, the conduct of the administrative affairs of the Faith, and the guidance, organization and unification of the affairs of the Cause throughout the world. Furthermore in God Passes By the Guardian makes the following statement: “the Kitáb-i-Aqdas … not only preserves for posterity the basic laws and ordinances on which the fabric of His future World Order must rest, but ordains, in addition to the function of interpretation which it confers upon His Successor, the necessary institutions through which the integrity and unity of His Faith can alone be safeguarded.” He has also, in “The Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh,” written that the members of the Universal House of Justice “and not the body of those who either directly or indirectly elect them, have thus been made the recipients of the divine guidance which is at once the life-blood and ultimate safeguard of this Revelation.” The Universal House of Justice  

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message dated 27 May 1966 to an individual believer; Online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)

Nov 5, 2023

The “sweetness of God’s compassion”

If sorrow and adversity visit us, let us turn our faces to the Kingdom and heavenly consolation will be outpoured. If we are sick and in distress let us implore God’s healing, and He will answer our prayer.

When our thoughts are filled with the bitterness of this world, let us turn our eyes to the sweetness of God’s compassion and He will send us heavenly calm! If we are imprisoned in the material world, our spirit can soar into the Heavens and we shall be free indeed!

When our days are drawing to a close let us think of the eternal worlds, and we shall be full of joy! 

- Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk; ‘Paris Talks: Addresses given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Paris in 1911-1912’)

Nov 4, 2023

Green Acre in Eliot, Main, USA becomes one of the first Baha’i summer schools in the western hemisphere

Sanctified by a native peace pipe ceremony in 1894, the Sarah Farmer Inn, near the banks of the Piscataqua river in Eliot, Maine, became a conference facility for a variety of courses, including transcendentalism, evolution and comparative religion. Its open-minded atmosphere attracted people of many religions, cultures, and races. It provided a peaceful setting for fostering fellowship, understanding and unity.

After her pilgrimage to ‘Akka in 1900, Sarah Farmer, made the facilities at the disposal of the followers of the Faith which she had herself recently embraced. The center attracted many Baha’i speakers including some very famous like, Mirza Abu’l-Fadl in 1902. In 1912 Green Acre became specially blessed by the footsteps of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Who spent a week there and gave a number of talks. In one of them on August 17 He indicated that “In the future, God willing, Green Acre shall become a great center, the cause of the unity of the world of humanity, the cause of uniting hearts and binding together the East and the West. This is my hope. (Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace). It is reported that ‘Abdu’l-Baha further indicated that one day Green Acre would become the site of the first Baha'i University and the second Baha'i Temple in the United States. The room in which ‘Abdu’l-Baha stayed is reserved nowadays for prayers and meditation.

Nov 3, 2023

Speaking in Aramaic Christ didn’t say while He was on the cross: 'O God; O God why hast Thou forsaken me?'

Upon my arrival in 'Akka my mind was filled with pain caused by the vivid description I had heard in Paris of another terrible martyrdom of Baha'is that had occurred in Persia. These martyrdoms continued from the period, of the Báb's Declaration until the advent of the present Shah of Persia, who put an end to all religious persecutions. The description of these particular atrocities was so detailed that finally I could bear no more and cried out my protest, exclaiming "but don't you realize that the martyrs are in a state of bliss from the moment the torture begins, and feel none of the pain inflicted upon them?"

Where upon the assembled company tuned upon me in deep disgust, and reproached me severely saying: "How dare you say such things! You are taking away all the glory of martyrdom!"

I remained abashed but not convinced, and felt that I must ask 'Abdu'l-Baha for the settlement of this disturbing question, but I never asked it. The first morning that He came into my little room He did not sit down, but walked back and forth in the narrow space and presently remarked, while I listened with awe:

"There are many kinds of martyrdom. How many times have I prayed for it, but instead of that I have lived on in prison as if with the sword of Damocles suspended by a hair over my head! Each morning as I waken I feel that before the day ends I may be dragged to the public square and shot to death. But nevertheless I have been very happy in this long martyrdom, for no victim suffers from the cruelties inflicted upon him. The instant the torture begins he is in a state of bliss, and feels nothing but the joy of Heaven which surrounds him."

Nov 2, 2023

1914: First & second group photographs taken of 'Abdu'l-Baha in the Holy Land

‘Abdu'l-Baha with some pilgrims and resident Baha'is gathered at the Shrine of the Báb on Mount Carmel

Jewish, Zoroastrian, and Muslim-background Baha'i pilgrims along with some resident Bahais in the presence of 'Abdu'l-Baha in front of His house in Haifa, 1914

Nov 1, 2023

A short Baha’i quiz

  • This disciple accompanied the Báb on His pilgrimage to Mecca in 1845. Answer
  • Did anyone from the West meet the Bab? Answer
  • Abdu’l-Hamid II was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire between what years? Answer
  • As remarked by His mother, what was so unusual about the Bab during His very early childhood? Answer
  • The Guardian defines this place to be as the Heart of the entire planet? Answer
  • By what name does Baha’u’llah refer to John the Baptist? Answer

Oct 31, 2023

Shoghi Effendi was a humble, gentle person and generally spoke in a soft voice, but when he explained the Administration, he spoke with a firm tone and great authority – recalled a pilgrim

Each evening at dinner Shoghi Effendi wore a light tan camel's hair overcoat, a white shirt, and a black tie. His complexion was a soft tan and his large brown eyes expressed his every emotion. From under his black fez, on each side, a few white hairs were mingled with the black. He was not a large man, but his presence filled the room. When the Guardian spoke of the accomplishments of the Bahá'ís the world over, he never included himself. He was a humble, gentle person and generally spoke in a soft voice; but when he explained the Administration, he spoke with a firm tone and great authority. When he was not speaking in a serious vein, he often made us laugh as he related some funny incident or experience that he or someone else had had, and then his eyes twinkled as he laughed. Nothing made Shoghi Effendi happier than news of the unity among the believers. During dinner he often spoke of what was occurring in many parts of the world. some evenings he would stay after dinner was over and tell us of good news he had received or explain some special Teaching. 

- Ramona Brown  (Notes from pilgrimage in 1954; ‘Memories of ‘Abdu’l-Baha: Recollections of the Early Days of the Baha’is of California’)

Oct 30, 2023

“There was a radiance about Him [‘Abdu’l-Baha], an almost unlimited kindness and love that shone from Him.” – recalled by a fourteen-year-old youth

A few days later, a villa was rented for the Master and His family, not far from the Hotel Victoria, [in Ramleh, Egypt, 1911] in a lovely residential section that lay right next to the beautiful Mediterranean and the beaches. Like all the villas in that area, it had a garden with blossoms and flowering shrubs. It was there that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá chose to receive His guests – a great variety of notables, public figures, clerics, aristocrats, writers as well as poor and despairing people. I went there often, sometimes on the way home from school, sometimes on weekends. When I was not in school I spent most of my time in His garden. I would wait to catch a glimpse of Him as He came out for His customary walk, or conversed with pilgrims from faraway places. To hear His vibrant and melodious voice ringing in the open air, to see Him, somehow exhilarated me and gave me hope. Quite often, He came to me and smiled and talked. There was a radiance about Him, an almost unlimited kindness and love that shone from Him. Seeing Him, I was infused with a feeling of goodness. I felt humble and, at the same time, exceedingly happy. 

- Aziz Yazdi  (When he was about fourteen years old, ‘Memories of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’, published in the online version of ‘The Baha’i World’; The Baha’i World Center)

Oct 29, 2023

Bahá'u'lláh became renowned for His learning when He was about thirteen years old

He [Baha'u'llah] was extremely kind and generous. He was a great lover of outdoor life, most of His time being spent in the garden or the fields. He had an extraordinary power of attraction, which was felt by all. People always crowded around Him, Ministers and people of the Court would surround Him, and the children also were devoted to Him. When He was only thirteen or fourteen years old He became renowned for His learning. He would converse on any subject and solve any problem presented to Him. In large gatherings He would discuss matters with the 'Ulama (leading mullas) and would explain intricate religious questions. All of them used to listen to Him with the greatest interest. 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (Quoted by Esslemont in ‘Baha'u'llah and New Era’)

Oct 28, 2023

The connection between God and His creation

The connection between God and His creation is that of the originator and the originated, of the sun and the dark bodies of the universe, of the craftsman and his handiwork. Not only is the sun sanctified in its very essence above all the bodies that receive its illumination, but its light is also, in its essence, sanctified from and independent of the earth. So, though the earth is nurtured by the sun and is the recipient of its light, the sun and its rays are nonetheless sanctified above it. But were it not for the sun, the earth and all terrestrial life could not exist. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Table talks in Akka, authenticated by ‘Abdu’l-Baha, published as ‘Some Answered Questions’ – 2014 revised translation by the Baha’i World Centre)

Oct 26, 2023

Man cannot not be considered a captive of nature

... he [man] is the ruler and commander of nature. Man has intelligence; nature has not. Man has volition; nature has none. Man has memory; nature is without it. Man has the reasoning faculty; nature is deprived. Man has the perceptive faculty; nature cannot perceive. It is therefore proved and evident that man is nobler than nature.

If we accept the supposition that man is but a part of nature, we are confronted by an illogical statement, for this is equivalent to claiming that a part may be endowed with qualities which are absent in the whole. For man who is a part of nature has perception, intelligence, memory, conscious reflection and susceptibility, while nature itself is quite bereft of them. How is it possible for the part to be possessed of qualities or faculties which are absent in the whole? The truth is that God has given to man certain powers which are supernatural. How then can man be considered a captive of nature? 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, New York, 15 April 1912; ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)