Jul 17, 2024

A supplication from ‘Abdu’l-Baha for believers: - Spiritual transformation

O Lord! O Lord! These souls are righteous, their hearts attracted, their minds enkindled their ears opened, their eyes seeing, their spirits rejoiced, their breasts dilated, their realities contented, their identities satisfied and their hearts attentive. They are supplicating toward Thee, turning their faces to Thee, and begging for Thy Mercy.

O Lord! O Lord! Enkindle their lamps, ignite their torches, uplift their waves and open to them the Door of Bounty.

O Lord! Adorn their gardens, beautify their orchards, illumine their faces, confirm their words, hoist their ensigns, commemorate their names, perfect their morals, cleanse their hearts, purify their breasts and glorify their countenances; so that the manifest light may be seen upon their brow, and the Bloom of Paradise in their faces.

Verily, Thou art the Merciful, Thou art the Clement, the Compassionate and the Ancient!  

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  ('Star of the West', vol. 1, no. 7, July 13, 1910)