Jul 8, 2024

To abstain from meat and be content with vegetables

If one should wholly abstain from meat and be contented with vegetables, it would be much better. And how difficult it is for a man to kill an animal and to prepare the food for himself. But as it is already killed and we find it in the market we buy it. As it is now killed, it is better to take and eat it than to leave it to become out of use. But it is very hard for a soul to take a lamb and kill it and to make of it a certain dish for a meal. If the people could bear it, the prophets would prohibit the eating of flesh. 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (Words of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, October 1909, Akka, recorded by Miss Wilson of Boston, Mass., Miss Engelhorn of Portland, Ore., Miss Stewart of Philadephia, Pa, and Mrs. Brittingham of Brooklyn, NY)