Aug 6, 2024

November 1930: The passing of Ethel Rosenberg

One of the pioneers of the Baha'i Cause in the western world, Miss Ethel J. Rosenberg, passed away at her home in London on November 17, 1930, crowned with age and the service of the Master. The end was peaceful for this devoted servant of 'Abdu’l-Baha whom He knew and loved so well and to whose devotion and untiring labors He had often paid priceless tribute by voice and pen.

Known and loved by all the members of the Holy Family in Haifa where she had visited for months at a time in the earlier stages of the outpouring of the Baha’i spirit from the East to Europe and America, Miss Rosenberg played no small part in the adaptation of the Baha'i Message to the western mind. Ever modest and unassuming the full value of her work in this capacity seldom appeared on the surface but those who knew her well and were in close touch with her activities were and are well aware of the great assistance she gave to the Master and how valuable was the help she rendered in the translation and transcribing of some of the outstanding works through which the truths of the Baha'i Message were made known to the peoples of the western hemisphere.

No one is more fully cognizant of the worth of this servant's labors for the Cause of Baha’u’llah, as developed and expounded by the Center of the Covenant, than the beloved Guardian of the Cause Shoghi Effendi, who, when he was advised of her passing cabled forthwith to the friends in London a heartfelt message of condolence and appreciation.

“Deeply grieved passing Rosenberg" wrote the Guardian, "England's outstanding Baha'i Pioneer worker. Memory of her glorious service will never die. ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s family join me in expressing heartfelt condolences to her brother and relatives. Urge friends hold befitting memorial service."


Services were held on the afternoon of November 20th, attended by the London Baha'is and a Memorial Meeting was arranged at the Baha'i Center for suitable expression of the love all the members of the Baha'i Community felt for this long-time friend and counsellor. Here was voiced that reverent recognition due her for the clear vision she had of the Baha'i Message and purposes and the lucid and authoritative expositions she was able, through contact with the source of inspiration and the pure spirit that burned within her, to give to those who sought.

Miss Rosenberg, who was seventy-two years of age, was born in England and had lived for many years in London. She was one of the most prominent and active believers in Great Britain up to a short time before her removal to the higher plane.

During her long connection with the Cause her correspondence with ‘Abdu’l-Baha had been voluminous, and to her He had revealed numerous precious tablets, many of which, of a general nature, have already been included in the Raha'i writings. 

(Annie B. Romer, Sec. London Spiritual Assembly; Baha’i News, February 1931)