Aug 25, 2024

To “contemplate and meditate” about the condition of human soul after death

Thou hast asked concerning the spirits of men: They are not at all annihilated—they are immortal. The spirits of heavenly souls will find eternal life, that is, they will attain the highest and most great stations of perfection; but the spirits of the heedless souls, although they are eternal, yet they are in a world of imperfection, concealment and ignorance. This is a concise answer. Contemplate and meditate upon it, in order that thou mayest comprehend the reality of the mysteries in detail. For instance: No matter how much the mineral has an existence and life, yet in comparison to man, it is entirely non-existent and deprived of life. For where man is translated from life to death, his comparative station will be that of a mineral existence.

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 3)